Almost 50,000 people a year enter homeless shelters immediately after exiting incarceration. Returning from jail, prison or juvenile detention places an immediate barrier to stable housing and employment.
- Connect offenders re-entering society to resources
- Raising awareness and advocating for services for re-entry success
- Reduce recidivism in Central Louisiana
About LaPri
LAPRI is the Louisiana Prisoner ReEntry Initiative. It is a multi-sector collaborative approach to improving public safety through reducing recidivism by providing wraparound support to prisoners released back to their communities. It is a 3-phase program – Getting Ready (Institutional Phase), Going Home (ReEntry Planning Phase) and Staying Home (Community Supervision and Discharge Phase.) Each parish or region forms a steering team which is led by a co-chair from each phase – the warden for Phase 1, the Probation and Parole Representative for Phase 2, and the presiding chair from the Community for Phase 3. Each IST engages in an annual Comprehensive Needs Assessment process to identify Assets, Barriers, Gaps and Proposed Solutions in each service area. Each service area is represented on the ST by a Subject Matter Expert in their field who leads a committee to aggregate information, identify resources and carry out service delivery model planning.
To learn more about LaPri, click here.
Coalition Meeting Schedule
Date: Last Wednesday of the 1st Month of the Quarter
(Jan., April, July, Oct.)
Time: 1pm - 3pm
For more information or to join the coalition, contact Anthony Thomas, the LaPRI Community Coordinator, at tony@uwcl.org.
Get Involved
Grant Opportunities:
Fall 2023 Emergency Transitional Housing Grant
The Department of Public Safety and Corrections (DPS&C) is seeking housing providers to join the Emergency and Transitional Housing (ETH) program to provide participants with stable short-term housing and food access on a per diem basis.
The Fall 2023 ETH Application for housing providers is now open. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2023 at 4:30 pm (Central Time).